Friday, July 18, 2008


I hope this is going to work. It's such an excellent idea. I hope the kids will all put things on too. This time I wanted to just choose a few pics to share from the past few months.
Dakota is a sophomore in this picture. He's 4th from the right counting Coach Hugentobler. He was on the Manti High School basketball team. This year they won the 2A state championship so this was an assembly to recognize the team. It was so great watching Kota and the other boys play and work as a team. Hunter and Cassidy also played on BB teams. They love it.
The next shot is little Brooke. This is how she learned all her colors. She would play with the play doh and match objects to each color. She turned 2 in April.
Next we have a photo of Tim and Brooke in the sky ride at Lagoon. We had a great day there with some cousins and friends.
The next pic is Hunter's winning baseball team. He's 3rd from the right on the front row. They took first at Ephraim Lions Tournament. Then they went on to take third place in the state tournament in Spanish Fork just this past week. They were an excellent team and very fun to watch. Hunter plays 2nd base and pitches and sometimes outfield. Koty also played baseball for the Manti Templars. He plays shortstop. Cassidy played for an accelerated team and a city team. She pitches and plays 2nd base. Ridge played coach pitch this year. He mostly played shortstop.
Next we have Cassidy and Brooke on the 4-wheeler. We went camping a couple weeks ago and the main camping activities were 4-wheeling and motorcycle riding (not to mention fishing, shooting guns, drinking pop, and eating junk food). We actually camped at the spot where Tim proposed to me in 1991. There's also a tree with our names carved on it from the year we met at snow college in 1987. Anyway, it was fun to get away for a couple days.
This last picture was taken in February for Ridge's baptism. We had a fun day with lots of Seely and Miller cousins helping us celebrate. We all clean up pretty well, don't you think?
Love, Fawn


Anonymous said...

From LeAnne: Wow, a photo explosion! Those are great pictures to go with your update. My favorite is Brooke in that helmet. And congratulations on the sports events.

Anonymous said...

Cute pics. I didn't know Koty's team had taken state. Congrats! I like Brooke's picture with her play dough. Didn't you say once that she never mixes the colors?!