This next one was fun. Like the marbling effect? The reception was outside on a warm evening so we decided keep the cake in the kitchen until just before, hence the lovely backdrop.
Here's another outside reception. These are gladiolas. They're big so luckily the cake is big. Now, why did I do 4 cakes in one weekend, you ask? Well, I had already committed to 2 when we found out about a Miller Reunion at Wahlsburg (the lake, zip line, water slide, barn, fun) so Tim said he would take the kids and I could do the cakes in peace and quiet. So when 2 more calls came for cakes, I said sure, the more the merrier. Brooke stayed with me but she went to a baby sitter for most of the daytime. Koty also decided to stay home so he helped me with some of the technical aspects of cake decorating.
By the way, Tim ran a half marathon on Saturday morning in Provo Canyon. His relatives who also ran are: Troy, Travis, Traci, and Janae (Trent's wife). Pretty cool, huh.
1 comment:
Fawn, I love your cakes! The marbled one is really cool. You'll have to show me how to do that. I'm glad your boys went on the trek. I hope it was a good experience for them.
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