Friday, July 3, 2009

Some cousin pictures

Brooke, Kirsten, and Luke enjoy a moment of silliness. This picture was taken in Spring at the Emery High School baseball diamond, Manti vs. Emery. Ironically, now when these kids pass
the high school, they say "That's where Koty plays baseball" not "That's where all of our parents and Shawn Bradley went to high school."

All eyes on the sportsman, Koty, as he describes the complexity of his recent game against Emery--Manti 6, Emery 7.

Brandon and Clarissa share a moment.

The James family poses for a photo op on their recent trip to Castle Dale. Back L to R are: Sam, Ryan, Brandon, Brant, Irene, Nathan, Jaren. Front L to R are: Emilie, Jake, Vlad, Sierrah.

Emilie, Ryan, and Brandon pose by Grandpa Karl's name down on the Buckhorn. The carving says K.A. Seely 1937.